Friday, November 12, 2010

Me.... L.M.T.

Yes. I'm here. I know it's been awhile...but I have good reason!

I returned from Australia in August, and dove straight into work. I started my new position at Arizona School of Massage Therapy (ASMT) as a "T.A." (Teaching Assistant to you lay-folk), and I love it. It's not the dream job in terms of income, but it's a dream to be teaching others a craft I fell in love with. It's been almost two years since I first step foot in that building, searching for a new career. It was symbolic of the fresh start I was looking for after my divorce. I had divorced not just my husband, but also a previous career that was inevitably toxic for me.

A few months of turmoil had been passing by, and I woke up one day, literally inspired to research the field of Massage. It had been something I was interested in for years. I had an old friend who attended the same school, but in Utah. After finishing the program, She came home to Arizona and moved in with my roommates and I for a month or so, until she could find a place of her own. During this short time, she shared with me what she had learned in the program. Free massages notwithstanding, I was fascinated. The variety of knowledge learned was astounding to me, just to be a MASSAGE THERAPIST??? Practical techniques, Eastern and Western philosophies, Anatomy and Physiology, Professional Development and Business practices, Thai-Chi, and many more subjects. I was especially interested in the fact that this friend of mine had so many options available to her. She could work in world-class spas, cruise lines, wellness/healthcare clinics, work with sports teams, or more interesting to me, own her own private practice. I was impressed by her motivation, and somewhat envious of the interesting things she had learned.
I did not however, decide that was my path at that time. I had already begun my journey to attain my Bachelors degree in Art History, and I was very determined to get I continued on.

Anyhow, that was over 15 years ago, my introduction to Massage Therapy. Now, I am almost a full year into my Massage Career, and it's been a great ride. I feel empowered. I love the ability to market my skills as a Therapist however I please. I've been working part-time at The Healing Joint, working with an awesome Chiropractor, and high caliber Massage Therapists. I've learned many things, and have enjoyed a career that is fulfilling, helps others, and has a minimal stress level at best...(very important to me.) AND, as mentioned above, I began working at ASMT last August. It's an honor to me, to have been selected to assist in educating many others who walk into that building for the same or similar reasons I did. SEEKERS OF CHANGE and growth. I don't know where my career with ASMT will take me, but I do know for a certainty I am headed in the right direction.

As I write this, I happened to open my desk drawer for a pen, and caught a glimpse of a letter. This letter, I will always keep. In many ways it means more to me than my ASMT Massage Certificate.
Our class had been asked by our Professional Development instructor (The wonderful Mr. John Sanders---a plug to the man!) to write letters to ourselves, to be returned to us at the end of the program. I want to share it here....


Dear Amy,
It's been a long seven months, and an even longer year and a half. You've made some tough choices---some good, and some bad. Now, you are exactly where you want to be. How exciting is it, that now you have a purpose and a direction?!

Going to massage school is one of the best choices you've made. You followed your heart and intuition. You made INCREDIBLE friends---some who will forever remain in your life, and others who will drift off onto their own path.

You persevered, you pushed through. There were moments that were tough, times you thought you'd failed---but you learned how to calm yourself and tell yourself to step back and look at the bigger picture.

You reached out to others, and made yourself available to help where needed. You stepped out of your comfort zone---and went after a job you weren't even yet qualified for.

You came to know and understand yourself better...and as a result have a greater respect for yourself.

You helped yourself heal and learned how to forgive yourself.

You've become a better mother, friend, lover, and business owner...BECAUSE you've learned to respect yourself.

AMY---you CAN do it. You CAN succeed. You KNOW how to push through. You WILL go forward. You will be successful AND you will live your life with JOY.

Love yourself.
Be kind to yourself.

Me. L.M.T.

ps. You ROCK!
Always have.
Always will.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What I Love....

The Way he understands me.

He gets it. He's been the only one who has, from that January day.

He has patience....especially now.

He has acceptance. No judgement.

He believes in me.

and if he is conflicted...he wants to he tries. And succeeds.

It means the world to I push harder.

He motivates me.

He inspires me, in ways I never knew.

I want to be more.

I want to be more, with him.

I love our family...combined.

I love his voice.

His laughter is like a gift.

It brings joy, to everyone we know.

I have pride, in what he has accomplished.

I have pride, in his dreams....and in our dreams together.

I have the deepest appreciation for his personal and professional endeavors.

I have found boundless joy, in his love for our children.

I love his smile.

His way of expression.

The way his voice resonates through my body.

The way he makes me think.

We may not always agree, but we have respect for each other.

He exposes his fragile side...of which I will always hold close.

And..from the second first date....he will always be mine, and I will always be his.

I cannot help, but look forward to the future, and all that is in store for us, and our little family.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


My co-pilot...and no, I'm sorry to disappoint, but it is NOT Jesus.
Please do not take offense.
Hear me out.

Let's get real....(BTW: "F" Dr. Phil for coining that phrase).
We are here on earth. Period.
We are experiencing life TOGETHER, as fellow human beings.
We may or may not have an idea of who created us, or what our purpose is...and FAITH...well, there's nothing wrong with faith. I have faith.
I also have a realistic understanding that we truly DO NOT know what lies beyond.
We may have all the faith, understanding, belief, or experiences we feel show us the truth.
However, having not died an earthly death before (at least to my knowledge----and for me, the jury's still out on reincarnation.), I cannot, and will not testify that I KNOW where I am going when this mortal body of mine ceases to exist.

Yes, it IS scary. No, I'm not completely OK with it. Yes, I struggle with my understanding of the universe, and what happens beyond this life....
However...I really do feel thats OK. Even healthy to question our existence.
I feel it's more real, than just "believing" we go to a certain place, at a certain time assigned just for us, with people who we've been destined to spend eternity. (Sidenote: the subject of SOUL MATES is a blog entry of it's own...I'll get to that, soon.)

I would rather go with my gut instinct...and venture to guess that YES, we are here for a purpose. Otherwise...why would such a question be in the forefront of a majority of the human race???


OK, so I'm not happy with my conclusion either. But it's a start. It's open for discussion. I certainly don't have all the answers, and I'm positive that not a single one of my fellow earth-mates really does either. I feel that some come closer to truths than others...but we all have OH, SO MUCH more to learn. And I have very little tolerance anymore for those who will not open up, just a little bit, and understand there are many view points, and valuable lessons to learn outside of the scope of the individual environment.

For me....I have surrendered to one thing for sure. I KNOW and have FAITH that I will be on a never ending journey of discovery and knowledge....most likely until my last breath. It may ebb and flow, but that is life...and I'm grateful for it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Order to Disorder

There are many layers to order.

Take painting, for example.
I begin with priming a canvas.
Texture needs to be taken into account. I admit that I have fear from the very start. I want to lay my primer, "just so."
Now, I have a tendency to "lay it on...THICK". It's the Van Gogh in me.
I like texture. I can see it, feel it...I like that texture is tangible.
But, I also know that texture lays a certain foundation.....that is, until I apply a brush.

Then it (the painting) takes on a life of it's own.
Suddenly, my fear goes for it's own ride.
I may surmise that if I lay it on too thick, or too thin for that matter, that the paint will react only a certain way.

Not true.
What I have to remember, is that paint will always win.
Paints are much like water. Organic. Free flowing, with much movement, flexibility, and LIFE.
I need to learn that I should abandon fear, and allow for my soul to engage with the medium of paint.

I need to allow for the layers to build.
I need to allow for mistakes...knowing that (specifically oil paints) are forgiving...they want to be poked, prodded, challenged...into their "home".

What I really need to know and to allow for mistakes. Or rather, follow the flow.
Let it flow.
It will come.

Ultimately, The journey IS the destination.

(Image: My current painting in progress....SO much more to come.)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Courtesy of Ms. Holiday...

You go to my head
You go to my head,
And you linger like a haunting refrain
And I find you spinning round in my brain
Like the bubbles in a glass of champagne.

You go to my head
Like a sip of sparkling burgundy brew
And I find the very mention of you
Like the kicker in a julep or two.

The thrill of the thought
That you might give a thought
To my plea casts a spell over me
Still I say to myself: get a hold of yourself
Can't you see that it can never be?

You go to my head
With smile that makes my temperature rise
Like a summer with a thousand Julys
You intoxicate my soul with your eyes
Tho I'm certain that this heart of mine
Hasn't a ghost of a chance in this crazy romance,
You go to my head.



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cordial Cross-Roads

So..."LUSH" (Luscious Jackson--my Mountain Bike) and I ventured out for a ride this morning.
I was half asleep...I think I still had crusties in the corners of my eyes...morning breath?--for sure.
Sexy..I know.

But...I pedal on. Had to push through.
Push through the sluggish desire to remain in the comfort of my squishy bed.
Push through the dreary soundtrack in my head.
Push through the thought of inhaling several clouds of gnats hovering above the breathtaking bundles of spring flowers.

Oblivious to my surroundings...other than the never-ending alertness to automobiles, or motorized vehicle of any kind. I pause to cross the road at my normal juncture....and I am somewhat startled by a group of 6 or 7 men on road-bikes. I guess I'm startled, because I'm the only rider in these here parts, (other than JB, of course...and he's neighborhood King.) point is this.
I observed their tight formation.
Their speed.
Their age...and yes...probable station in life.
Couldn't help it.
I noticed how...other than their friendly "HELLO"..."MORNIN'"...
Other than the two-wheels they rode on.....EVERYTHING was different from me.


I liked it.

I was different.

I had my own look.
A Different bike.
My own speed.
My own path.

They may have had a "head start"
A..."warm-up", if you will....

But my path???
where I am at???

Is EXACTLY where I need to be.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chosen Family

Who are the members of your tribe?

They are the ones who will stick by you, NO MATTER WHAT.
We all have demons. Dark moments.
Times when we are "not our selves".
Times when we don't quite know what to do.
Times when we are uncertain of our present circumstances, or how we should handle them.

Tribe members...
They will understand.
They will feel your pain.
They will accept that even though you are suffering, they will have faith that you will pull through.
The reason?
They are of the same tribe.

They've been there.....done that.
And if they haven't...they possess the spirit to comprehend.

This is why they are your chosen family.

If you are lucky, there is at least one tribe member, who is capable of being there with you through it all.
The one who will not ever disappoint. The one who stands the test of time.
They will have the strength, and gift (in my opinion) to tell you "how it is".
The truth is not easy for this mate.
The truth is not easy for the recipient.
The recipient is appreciative of what his/her tribesman has to say.
In fact, the recipient actually feels a deeper respect for the bearer of such advice.

Thats what we do.

I acknowledge that I am blessed. I am fortunate to have a handful (and more) of tribemates...members of the same clan.

Look out for one another.
Keep watch.
Guide, and direct where you can.
You never know when it may be needed most.

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, March 22, 2010

The SOUL Exchange

May I ask...
What is (the) SOUL?
I have ideas/feelings/beliefs about what the definition of the SOUL is...but I'd like to hear it from you...anyone "listening". (i.e. please comment)


At the core...the soul is "who we are".
Regardless of station in life, of race, color, creed, sexual preference, religion, political stance, etc.

Soul, as defined by

the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part.

I feel our SOULS are the essence of who we are...the purest forms of body-meets-God/Universe. I also feel that SOUL transcends our human experience. "Soul" can be anything from our sense of humor, to our quiet thoughts, to our kind and generous human nature, to even the deepest darkest corners of the coldest places we go in our minds.

The most wonderful part of the soul, in my opinion, is it's ability to connect with other souls. Our relationship to our family, friends, acquaintances, teachers, mentors, co-workers, children, elderly folks, the gal at the check out stand at the store, the friendly passer by who returns a smile your way.....

What a gesture! A smile. Its a piece of your soul which you are willing to share...and more often than not, it is returned to you. Clearly there are many other ways to exchange soul.

So I ask.
What is "SOUL" to you?
And how do you share it with others???

Image: "Smile" by Dottydotcom (

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Old Blog Entry, Made New

While out and about on a lovely spring day, I recently ran into my dear friend Dilia Wood. Dilia and I stood in the middle of a TJ Maxx, hugging, laughing, and talking as if not a day had passed (it's been since July) since we've seen each other. Dilia is the Owner/Operator of Inspirador in Downtown Chandler, Arizona (a wedding/special event venue: In a not so distant past-life, I was Dilia's "right-hand man" at Inspirador. We worked together, side by side for a couple of years, trying to get Inspirador up and running. The Inspirador project is now successful, and we have each moved into our present lives, working on future endeavors. So, since seeing Dilia, I waxed nostalgic, and remembered how I'd written a blog about wedding planners and decided to re-blog it here in my new blogging home. Enjoy!


Top Ten Reasons You Should Hire A Wedding Planner

By Amy (wish I had one when I got married) Marvin

  1. Consultations: Most planners do not charge for an initial consultation. Give them a call to see how they can help! You don’t lose anything; if anything you gain some ideas and maybe an advocate for planning your big day.
  2. Services: Planners will share with you their “menu” of services. It can be “Full-Service” or anything from initial planning of your theme or colors, to assisting you with drafting a budget, and of course the “day of” service, so you and your family & friends can fully enjoy your wedding day.
  3. Budget: An extension of the services menu is budget. To stay within your monetary boundaries, planners will work with you to best meet your goals and hopefully get the most “bang” for your buck.
  4. Resources: Why go all around town, making your head spin when you can tap into your planner for vendor recommendations. Not too impressed by their list, or looking for something different? —Your planner will make every effort to help you find it.
  5. Theme: You have likely spent your entire life up to this point, envisioning the perfect wedding with that special someone. Your planner can help you fill in the gaps by providing some ideas that you may not have thought of, and take your dream wedding “to the next level”.
  6. Organizational Skills: I have yet to meet a planner who didn’t possess some level of amazing organizational skills. You’ll want someone to keep you on task…planning a wedding is no easy feat, especially if you are organizationally challenged. (Like I was! —Ok, I still have my ADHD moments.)
  7. Time Management: Let’s face it. Who has extra time anymore? Yeah, you’re getting married, but you’re probably also working, or going to school, or both—and more! Your planner can save you precious time by making the phone calls, coordinating meetings, drafting contracts, etc.
  8. Guest Care & Accommodations: Your planner can help you with your out of town guests. Details such as travel, car rental, entertainment, and hotel accommodations will be helpful to your weary traveling guests.
  9. Worry-Free Wedding Day: Did I mention “Day-Of” services? Believe me when I say that you need to be free of the nagging details of hosting a major event.You are the bride, you should be primping, preening, and gazing into the eyes of your new spouse, not directing the caterers to take out the trash or reminding the guest book girl to keep her feet off the table.
  10. SANITY: And the number one reason again? Keep your sanity, and enjoy the process of planning a wedding. Your Wedding Planner will be there every step of the way, and provide you the joy you deserve at this special time in your life…. who knows, you’ll likely end up with another best friend!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Rhys-Man Turns 5

My baby turned 5 years old March 2nd, 2010. My BABY is 5. Wow, how time flies. He's such a lover too. I tell him I love him, "my little man". He says, "I love you too, baby-mama". *SIGH* How could that not melt the coldest of hearts?
He's an imaginative, creative, passionate, and spirited child. I suppose that's why we named him Rhys...(Welsh, for 'Firey or Zealous'), perhaps a part of me knew he'd embody such traits.
Well, Happy Birthday, Son. I love you. You have brought so much love and joy into my life, and I know you always will.
XOXO! --mama

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How To Be A Good Client

One word.


I can't tell you how many clients I've seen recently, (probably 8 out of 10), who come in for a session and cannot relax to save their lives. I know these are stressful times for us all, and I understand that our schedules tend to keep us away from things that are good for us....but for heaven's sake....PLEASE RELAX! You are visiting me for a reason, and it is for your health. Stress, injury, pain, discomfort...are all major complaints of clients I see. They want a massage to "take the pain away". Well, I am more than happy to do that. I WANT to do that. It's what I do, and frankly, I'm good at it. So, please let me do my job, but more importantly, allow yourself to do your part to acheive the best results from your session.

Need pointers? Here's a list....

  1. Stop talking. If you need to chat for a minute, I understand, especially if massage is new to you. Please know that it's OK not to talk, in fact, it helps me to have it quiet, so I can better focus on how your body is responding to the work I'm trying to do.

  2. Release the tension. Yes, that's my job, but you need to let go...literally. You must consciously release the tension of holding your muscles tight. I try to tell my clients to think of when a child goes "limp-noodle" on you---such as when you try to carry a two-year old, and they are throwing a fit because they don't want to be held, so they go completely limp, and slide through your arm like a sieve. Yep, like that. LET GO.

  3. Ask Questions + Give Pointers. I know I said no talking, but what I meant was no chatting. Please ask me questions about what I'm doing, why that hurts, or what that bump is. More than likely, I will know the answer, and if I don't, I will get back to you with one. Also, don't be afraid to give me pointers...go ahead and tell me to linger in an area that feels like it needs more work. I won't know how something feels to you, unless you tell me.

  4. Do your homework! Any good therapist will give you what we call "homework". Anything from "Drink lots of water today" (my personal favorite), or assigning specific stretches to do. There's a reason we ask you to do this, and it is for your own benefit and progression away from pain and discomfort.

  5. Book your next appointment right away. I know what you are thinking....that I say that for my own benefit. And that is partially true. ;-) But it's more for you. You will walk out of the session, relaxed, and not wanting to commit to anything but some leisure time, and maybe a nap. You'll put off making the appointment...then before you know it, weeks have gone by, and the pain, stress, and tension are still there. Book it! You can always cancel it later. (24 hour notice is preferable.)

  6. Continually strive for a healthy YOU. Noone is perfect, and we should never beat ourselves up for falling short. Just love yourself for what you can do, and keep going.

For a healthier you, try some of these. They aren't rocket science, but sometimes it's nice to get reminders:

  • DRINK WATER. Soda depleats your body of vital nutrients and moisture.

  • MEDITATE. I don't always have time for it, so I incorporate it into my bath/shower time. A few minutes with my eyes closed in silence, I relax into the heat of the water, and open my mind to my thoughts.

  • STRETCH. Take a few minutes to stretch. The easiest time is in the evening in front of the TV. You may as well make that time productive.

  • GO VEGGIE. If there's too much meat in your diet, then pick at least one day a week when all meals are vegetarian. Then, as time goes on, try to incorporate more veggie meals per week. You don't have to give up meat completely, but mixing it up will give you a more varied diet and better mix of nutrients.

  • LAUGH. That one's self explainatory. Enjoy life, and all it's pleasures. This one happens to be free of charge, always makes you look good, tends to be contagious (in a good way), and is completely healthy for you.

To book a massage with Amy Marvin, please call:


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thought for the day

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Sleepless Nights

What is it about sleepless nights? Sure, they can be frustrating...but on a night like tonight, it's my mind going a mile a minute in speed. My thoughts are interlaced, as if they were a finely crafted network of silky-spun spiderweb. My thoughts are, but then slow without any kind of notice. I suppose it's because I am allowing myself to BE in the moment. That's why nights like this don't have to be frustrating. They are good, and welcoming for the soul. We need these precious few spaces in time to get to know ourselves...allow for free-flowing thought (say that fast 3 times), and to work out in our minds any issues or dilemmas we have before us.
I'm choosing to embrace this process in me. I believe it is signaling a time of transformation and growth.

"The main symbolisms of the dragonfly are renewal, positive force and the power of life in general. Dragonflies can also be a symbol of the sense of self that comes with maturity. Also, as a creature of the wind, the dragonfly frequently represents change. And as a dragonfly lives a short life, it knows it must live its life to the fullest with the short time it has – which is a lesson for all of us."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Old Fashioned Journaling vs. Modern Day Blogging

Ok, I made the leap. This is new for me. I'm not used to exposing so much of ME in such a public forum...or so I thought. Actually, now that I think about it, I do it all the time. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter...I've been slowly adding them to my daily activities. I was hesitant to start a blog, as I am an old fashioned gal when it comes to journaling. My journaling life has consisted of the on-again, off-again spurts of inspiration. Always private, I'd lock myself in my room as a teenager, light a candle, put on my favorite "mood-music" (a.k.a. The Cure, DM, New Order, Peter Murphy, The Smiths, or the like) and scribble away madly, as if I were some modern day Virginia Woolf. As the years progressed, my journaling took the form of drawings, paintings, collages, or photo albums. Now, I have decided that it is time to express myself in word, thought, ideas, and action. I still hold on to my old journals, and I have a couple of new ones now, for myself...they will physically hold the thoughts that I do not need to share.

"The beauty of the world which is so soon to perish, has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder." --Virginia Woolf