Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ten Months, Plus

My last month since I'd posted anything in my blog.
Certainly a testament to how busy I've been.
I have many excuses....a "scroll of excuses" as Mr. Sanders would say.
But I offer no apologies.
I've simply been working, and working diligently. I committed myself to finding a new career path, and I dove in deep.
It is good for me to seize these moments of reflection. I have felt glimpses of corporate burn out, and should, by all intensive purposes, be completely disenfranchised by the whole thing....but I'm not.
I've been surrounded by many who've shared with me their stories of guts and glory with "rising to the top" from the bottom, or nowhere, or wherever they claim to have started.
But I am one of "those people" who must experience it first hand.
I am in it.
I'm in the muck. I'm also in the glory of it.
The glory, as anyone would guess, is what I am feeding off of.
The muck...not so desirable, but I understand the significance of it.
Either way, I am LEARNING.
And as I may have mentioned before....I am a lifelong student.
As long as I am a willing participant in an environment conducive to growth and learning....I am present.